The 2017 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy and Structural Monitoring Systems will be held in Milan, Italy, 24-25 July 2017. The workshop aims to discuss the most recent advances in complex monitoring systems from a cross-disciplinary perspective, encompassing technology, methods and
Continuing education Course
Advanced methods for reliability, availability, maintainability, diagnostics and prognostics of industrial equipment November 21-24, 2016 – Politecnico di Milano The goal of this course is to provide participants with the methodological competences and the computational tools necessary to tackle critical
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Seminar – Prof. Michael Pecht
ADVANCES IN PRODUCT QUALIFICATION AND SUPPLY CHAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Prof. Michael Pecht 25 th November 2016, h. 11.30 Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Today, products are changing very rapidly, customers have more choices, tremendous price pressure exists on suppliers, and there
IEEE Smart Tech in Birmingham, UK on 21-22 October 2016
IEEE Smart Tech events have been held in more than 12 cities worldwide since 2011. With an 86% satisfaction rating and over 2,500 past attendees worldwide, the 2016 Signature Event series has been designed to showcase the best of these
IEEE Milestone to the Dadda’s Multiplier
IEEE Milestone to the Dadda’s Multiplier Inaugural Ceremony Politecnico di Milano, De Donato Conference Room, piazza L. da Vinci 32, Milano September 29, 2016 – 14:30-17:00 The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing program honors significant technical achievements in
International Summer School on Hybrid Microgrids (2016)
Pavia, July 11 to 15, 2016, Palazzo Vistarino. “The topic of the course deals with Hybrid Microgrids, that are energy systems for powering small to medium power consumers in island or connected to the grid. Such systems are important not
2nd IEEE Italy Section PhD Summer School
The PhD school “Multiscale Bioengineering: from Molecules to organs (µMBioEng)” tries to elucidate how information coming from different scale in vivo biosignals and models can be integrated in bioengineering. A transversal approach is followed, involving bioengineers, medical physicists, researchers in
2016 IEEE Italy Section Medical Informatics Summer School (MISS)
The Medical Informatics Summer School 2016 aims to provide basic and advanced knowledge in several fields of applications such security and safety for hospitals, decision support systems in medicine for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, bioinformatics, biometry, robotics for therapy, virtual/augmented
2015 IEEE Winter Academy on Internet of Things
La “2015 IEEE Winter Academy on Internet of Things” è organizzata dalla IEEE e dall’Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, e si terra’ dal 14 al 16 dicembre presso la sede dell’Università in via Festa del Perdono 7, Milano. Questa e’
Scuola Nazionale Dottorandi di Elettrotecnica “Ferdinando Gasparini”
Il diciannovesimo stage della Scuola Nazionale Dottorandi di Elettrotecnica si terrà quest’anno dal 26 al 30 Ottobre a Napoli. Tutte le informazioni e il programma didattico sono disponibili nel seguente file XIX_Stage_2015_Scuola_Dottorandi