1. http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/students/branches/officers.html
Contiene la descrizione dei ruoli degli officer di uno Student Branch.
2. http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/students/index_students.html
Contiene tutte le info utili e i relativi link, come:
Elenco benefici per i membri studenti tra cui:
- GoogleApps@IEEE
- IEEE ResumeLab
- Humanitarian Program
- Potentials Magazine
- Student Travel Grants
- What’s New for Students Newsletter
- Education & Career Resources for Students
Risorse per gli SB chair e Counselor:
- Student Branch Program
- Student Branch formation
- IEEE Student Branch Leader News
- Branch Officer Reporting
- Branch Activity Reporting
- Student Branch Officer Responsibilities and Administration
- Watch the IEEE Student Branch Manual and Counselor Guide presentation
- IEEE Student Branch Manual and Counselor Guide (PDF, 285 KB)
Premi, competizioni e borse di studio tra cui:
- Competitions
- IEEEXtreme Programming Competition
- Student Branch Awards
- Scholarships, grants, and fellowships
3. http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/students/student_webinars.html
Corsi di addestramento e webinars per SB Chair e per studenti.
4. http://ewh.ieee.org/forms/md/supplies-ondemand.php
Per SB Chair – modulo per ordinare il kit di materiale da usare per pubblicizzare la IEEE e arruolare nuovi membri.
5. http://www.ieeethemes.wpengine.com/category/student-activities/student-branch-vitality/
Contiene documenti utili per SB e SBC preparati da R8.