Rules for Participants
The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Italy Section Chapter recognizes distinguished work by young researchers in the field of Computational Intelligence through presentation of an Award for the best PhD Thesis defended in an Italian University in 2017. The Award consists in an honorarium of 500 Euros and a Certificate.
For the year 2017 one award will be given.
Only candidates with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
• be a Member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
• have completed the Doctoral Program in an Italian University, and defended the Thesis in 2017
Candidates must send their application by June 20, 2018 (23.59 GMT) together with:
• Name and email address of the candidate
• Self-certification of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society membership with member number
• Title of the Ph.D. Thesis
• Name of the PhD. Thesis Advisor and his/her contact email address
• Name of the University and of the Ph.D. program where the Ph.D. has been acquired
• Date of final defense
• Electronic copy in pdf format of the Ph.D. Thesis
• Electronic copy in pdf format of a 1-page Summary of the contribution of the Ph.D. Thesis
• Electronic copy in pdf format of the reviews of the Ph.D. Thesis
• List of the publications co-authored by the candidate resulting from the thesis, if any
• Electronic copy in pdf format of the publications co-authored by the candidate concerning the doctoral topic, if any
• Curriculum Vitae listing educational background, positions held, awards of the candidate
• A presentation letter by the PhD. Thesis Advisor
All documents must be sent in electronic format by e-mail with subject “Application for 2017 PhD ThesisAward [family name of the candidate]”
The thesis will be evaluated by a Board of Experts in Computer Science and Engineering designated by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Italy Section Chapter. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by July 31, 2018. The award will be presented at the 4th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI 2018), 10-13 Sept 2018, Palermo.
All the decisions of the Board are final.
Evaluation Board
- Francesco Camastra (University of Naples Parthenope)
- Alessandro Sperduti (University of Padua)
- Giorgio Valentini (University of Milan)