Awards and Recognitions Committee

Coordinator: Gianfranco Chicco (



The Awards and Recognitions Committee has the objective to recognizes and rewards:

– excellence in the Chapters, Affinity Groups and Student Branches operations and activities;

– the exceptional contributions and service of volunteers for the Italy Section management and development;

– individuals for major contributions in advancing the fields of interest of IEEE to the benefit of society;

– IEEE student members, young professionals, researchers and industrial members who demonstrated high level contributions in the technical fields of IEEE (i.e. Master and PhD thesis, conference or journal papers, lectures, invited speeches, publications, conference presentations, demo/ innovative prototypes, …)

Award News

Here are available all the news about the awards.

Awards pictures from RTSI 2019

Awards pictures from Award Ceremony 2020

IEEE Italy Section 2024 Awards (new deadlines)

IEEE Italy Section 2023 Awards

IEEE Italy Section 2022 Awards

IEEE Italy Section Awards

Awards Sponsored by the Italian Chapters