Continuing education Course

Advanced methods for reliability, availability, maintainability, diagnostics and prognostics of industrial equipment November 21-24, 2016 – Politecnico di Milano The goal of this course is to provide participants with the methodological competences and the computational tools necessary to tackle critical

IEEE Milestone to the Dadda’s Multiplier

IEEE Milestone to the Dadda’s Multiplier Inaugural Ceremony Politecnico di Milano, De Donato Conference Room, piazza L. da Vinci 32, Milano September 29, 2016 – 14:30-17:00 The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing program honors significant technical achievements in

2nd IEEE Italy Section PhD Summer School

The PhD school “Multiscale Bioengineering: from Molecules to organs (µMBioEng)” tries to elucidate how information coming from different scale in vivo biosignals and models can be integrated in bioengineering. A transversal approach is followed, involving bioengineers, medical physicists, researchers in