Dear Members, below you find the flyer of the Italy Section Humanitarian Committee and YP Meeting scheduled on January 15, 2021. The meeting will first provide an overview of the IEEE Humanitarian Committee Activities (HAC). Then, a round table will focus on
Congratulations to the new IEEE Fellow 2021
Congratulations to the newly elevated Italian IEEE Fellow: Prof. Gianluca Antonelli, Cassino, Italy – for contributions to modeling and control of underwater robot Prof. Gabriella Cincotti, Rome, Italy – for contributions to planar photonic devices and beam diffraction in anisotropic
Special meeting IEEE SYP with Industry 10 December 2020 – live video streaming
IEEE Italy Section announces the Special meeting IEEE SYP with Industry. This special meeting is structured in three parts. In the first part IEEE and IEEE Italy Section activities for industry is presented with a special sight on IEEE SYP
The voting membership of IEEE annually elects officers that serve on the top-tier IEEE governing bodies. This year, three members of the Italy Section were elected. Congratulations to: Franco Maloberti, University of Pavia, elected as IEEE Division I Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect, 2021 Cecilia
Winners of the MELECON 2020 competition “Best Entrepreneurship Activity Pitch Presentation”
The winner were Piero Tuzzo for “The Internship Camp ®” and Maria Rosaria Plutino for “ArgiNaRe – ATHENA Green Solutions S.r.l.”
The second prize went to Massimo Raia for “MedsendX Italia s.r.l.”
COMMS4ITALY: Un’iniziativa di solidarietà per l’Italia dai ricercatori del settore TLC
In questo periodo di grande difficoltà per l’Italia, la comunità scientifica delle Telecomunicazioni, rappresentata dalla sezione italiana della IEEE Communications & Vehicular Technology Society, dal Consorzio Nazionale Universitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT) e dal Gruppo Nazionale delle Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie
SSIE 2020 – IEEE Italy Section Summer School on Information Engineering
Registration to SSIE 2020 – IEEE Italy Section Summer School is open. For more information visit the website. For registration, follow the link.
Congratulazioni ai nuovi fellow 2020
Anche quest’anno l’Italia si è distinta con ben 8 membri nominati fellow IEEE. Congratulazioni a: Andrea Cavagnino (Torino) – for contributions to multi-physics design and material characterization of electric machines Antonella Ferrara (Pavia) – for contributions to sliding mode control theory
IEEE Italy Section Most Improved Student Branch award 2019
Congratulazioni allo Student Branch di Sapienza Università di Roma, presieduto da Luigi Calcara per aver vinto il premio Most Improved Student Branch 2019 con l’incoraggiamento della Commissione perché continui sulla via intrapresa. Il diploma verà consegnato durante la cerimonia di
IEEE Italy Section Exemplary Student Branch award 2019
Congratulazioni allo Student Branch del Politecnico di Torino: presieduto da Leonardo Iannucci per aver vinto il premio Exemplary Student Branch award 2019. Complimenti a tutta la squadra e uno speciale apprezzamento della Commissione per l’ampia e innovativa attività svolta. I