On December 12th, an event on the Role of Electrical and Electronic Measurements in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) was held at the Politecnico di Milano, supported and sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society – Italy Chapter.
The Redefinition of the International System of Units
Il 12 febbraio 2019 si terrà il Seminario The Redefinition of the International System of Units presso l’Università di Roma Tor Vergata, organizzato dal Prof. Galati e tenuto dal Dr. Callegaro sotto egida del Chapter. E’ disponibile qui la descrizione dell’evento.
IEEE CASS Seasonal School – Photos
Here are some photos of the IEEE CASS Seasonal School on Enabling CAS Technologies for Industrial IoT at the Core of Industry 4.0 that took place in Pisa, Italy 13-14 December.
The event titled Lab-on-chip & Bio-data analytics of the 19th November 2018 is sponsored by IEEE Italy Section and three Chapters. Here you can find the poster and the flyer of the event.
IEEE 2018 Chapter of the Year Award – Senior Member Initiative Award
In this year 2018 the IEEE Photonics Italy Chapter has won a double Award: The IEEE 2018 Chapter of the Year Award, for “…their innovative technical programming as well as for building an environment that reflects the rich diversity of the
Young Author Best Paper Award 2018
Lo “Young Author Best Paper Award 2018” è stato assegnato ad Andrea Pizzo dell’Università di Pisa, per il paper: A. Pizzo, D. Verenzuela, L. Sanguinetti and E. Björnson, “Network Deployment for Maximal Energy Efficiency in Uplink With Multislope Path Loss,”
2018 IEEE Photonics Chapter Awards: Italy Chapter si aggiudica il “IEEE 2018 Chapter of the Year Award” e il “Senior Member Initiative Award”
In questa edizione dei IEEE Photonics Society Chapter Awards il nostro Italy Chapter è stato doppiamente premiato. Ha vinto il IEEE 2018 Chapter of the Year Award, con la motivazione-…”for their innovative technical programming as well as for building an environment
Chapter: newsletter di Giugno
AES Svariate attivita’ sotto egida dell’AES Chapter sono state portate avanti dall’ inizio dell’anno. In particolare, si evidenzia un caloroso Celebration Lunch organizzato da colleghi e amici per il Prof. E. Conte dell’Universita’ di Napoli Federico II nel suo passaggio
Seminary at University of Pisa – DL Peter Willett
A seminary sponsorized by the AES Chapter will take place at the University of Pisa, on 1st October 2018. Here you can find more information about the lecture “Distributed Detection and Data Fusion” of the Professor Peter Willett.
Award Chapter italiano IEEE Sensors Council
Vi segnaliamo i primi premi promossi dal chapter italiano dell’IEEE Sensors Council. Tali premi sono riservati a studenti che parteciperanno alla International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine e all’International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Per dettagli vi invito a