AES Svariate attivita’ sotto egida dell’AES Chapter sono state portate avanti dall’ inizio dell’anno. In particolare, si evidenzia un caloroso Celebration Lunch organizzato da colleghi e amici per il Prof. E. Conte dell’Universita’ di Napoli Federico II nel suo passaggio
Galfer is Back
Il Docu-Film “Galfer is back” è un cortometraggio dedicato alla valorizzazione dell’immagine dell’Ingegneria Elettrica. Galfer is Back HD
Awards of IEEE Italy Section
The IEEE Italy Section is pleased to announce the publication of the Awards of IEEE Italy Section. More details here.
Master Thesis Award on New Challenges for Energy and Industry
The IEEE Italy Section together with its Chapters and WIE Affinity Group, is pleased to announce the first call of the Master Thesis Award on New Challenges for Energy and Industry thanks to the financial sponsor of one of the major players
RTSI 2018 highlights
L’articolo relativo a RTSI 2018 è disponibile a questo link.
IEEE Italy Section – Life Member Affinity Group Annual Meeting
Anche quest’anno il LM-AG della Sezione Italia organizza un incontro annuale con i soci a cui parteciperà anche lo Student Branch del Politecnico di Milano. La sinergia positiva tra l’esperienza e la memoria storica da un lato e l’entusiasmo e
Fellow members 2018
Complimenti ai fellow members 2018, la cui lista ufficiale è disponibile qui.
RTSI 2017
On the site of IEEE Research and Technologies for Society and Industry 2017 ( are now available tutorials, special meeting presentations and a selection of photos.
Frontiers in Brain Inspired Computing – Magnetism meets Topology
The intern IEEE Workshop on “Frontiers in Brain Inspired Computing – Magnetism meets Topology” will be held in Messina from the 26th to the 28th of July. Here is the program of the event.
IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, is pleased to announce the first call of the Italian PES Scholarship Plus Initiative thanks to thanks to the support of some of the major players of the