This award is for exceptional contributions and service for the benefit and advancement of the IEEE Italy Section. The level of service will often include serving the Section in several capacities or in position of significant responsibility. Prize: €
E’ appena nato l’Affinity Group Women in Engineering (WIE) della Sezione Italia della IEEE
L’IEEE Sezione Italia ha promosso di recente la creazione dell’Affinity Group di Women in Engineering (WIE). Il WIE Affinity Group della Sezione Italia IEEE è stato approvato dalla IEEE il 2 dicembre 2016. WIE è la più grande iniziativa mondiale
Prof. GIOVANNI ACAMPORA wins 2016 IEEE-SA Emerging Technology Award
Prof. GIOVANNI ACAMPORA wins 2016 IEEE-SA Emerging Technology Award “For outstanding contribution and leadership as Chair of the IEEE P1855 Working Group in initiating and facilitating the creation of the first IEEE standard in the area of fuzzy logic.”
IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2017
IEEE AP/ED/MTT North Italy Student Awards are open!!
The IEEE AP/ED/MTT North Italy Chapter is pleased to announce that up to three €250 Master Thesis awards (one per reference Society) and up to three €350 PhD Thesis awards (one per reference Society) will be awarded to encourage students to
Seminar Announcement – IAS/PELS/IES North Italy Joint Chapter
Seminar Announcement The IEEE IAS/PELS/IES North Italy Joint Chapter in collaboration with the Department of Information Technology, University of Parma, invites you to attend the Seminar on: Predictive Control: the Powerful Method to Control Power Converters and Drives
Best Chapter Awards : due italiani tra i premiati
Congratulazioni da parte della Sezione per il riconoscimento ottenuto a Leopoldo Angrisani Best Chapter Award IMS Giacomo Oliveri Best Chapter Award MTT
IEEE Smart Tech in Birmingham, UK on 21-22 October 2016
IEEE Smart Tech events have been held in more than 12 cities worldwide since 2011. With an 86% satisfaction rating and over 2,500 past attendees worldwide, the 2016 Signature Event series has been designed to showcase the best of these
IEEE Milestone to the Dadda’s Multiplier
IEEE Milestone to the Dadda’s Multiplier Inaugural Ceremony Politecnico di Milano, De Donato Conference Room, piazza L. da Vinci 32, Milano September 29, 2016 – 14:30-17:00 The IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing program honors significant technical achievements in
Due Italiani tra i premiati della IEEE
Quest’anno la IEEE ha premiato due italiani Roberto Zich con il premio IEEE Honorary Membership e Giorgio Franceschetti con il premio IEEE Electromagnetics Award, a loro le congratulazioni della IEEE Italy Section.