EUROCON 2023 Workshop “Let ideas grow: technology transfer from research labs to successful realities”

Politecnico di Torino, Turin Via Pier Carlo Boggio 71 or Corso Castelfidardo 34/A, Turin, Italy

This workshop is structured in two panels dedicated to how to develop an entrepreneurial idea from university spin off to a successful startup, and some examples of successful startups, including the problems encountered and the reasons for success.Important Italian supporters

EUROCON 2023 Best Entrepreneurship Idea Competition

Politecnico di Torino, Turin Via Pier Carlo Boggio 71 or Corso Castelfidardo 34/A, Turin, Italy

Young start-ups have the opportunity to compete in a poster competition for the best entrepreneurship idea and demo. Applications must be submitted by June 5. More information can be found on the IEEE Eurocon website: