With this award IEEE Italy Section promotes the diffusion of cutting-edge knowledge with emphasis on industrial challenges and perspective, for the benefit of its members. At the same time, the speakers and their employing companies are given the opportunity to make a strong impact on IEEE Italian community

Ultimately, this award aims to strengthen the ties between IEEE members and industry leaders.

This award is for recognizing IEEE Italy Section distinguished member of industry who is an excellent speaker and have made high quality technical contributions on advanced topics that are of primary importance to the industry and to IEEE Italy Section community.



Certificate and refund of expenses till a maximum of € 1500.


Description of the award

Distinguished lecturer travel to various locations in Italy to give from a minimum of three to a maximum of six lectures per year. They shall be invited by Chapter, AG or SB Chairs who will organize lectures at their Universities/Research Centers but also at Conferences, workshops and other technical events organized by IEEE Italy Section.


Lecture duration: <should be done in an hour, questions included>



IEEE Italy Section Industry members, engaging speakers with technical competence and leadership in the field of interest of IEEE Italy Section Chapters.



From one to four awards will be given per year.

Award will be presented at the annual forum of Italy Section IEEE RTSI. No award will be given if no qualified candidate is nominated.


Deadline: please e-mail the Nomination Form to the Secretary of IEEE Italy Section (giambattista.gruosso@polimi.it) by June 1, 2017


The Committee composed by: IEEE Italy Section Award Committee Coordinator, IEEE Italy Section Chair, IEEE Italy Section past Chair, IEEE Italy Section vice-Chair, IEEE Italy Section Secretary, IEEE National association Liaison Coordinator, will evaluate the candidates and select the winners.

The evaluation process results will be notified to the winners by the IEEE Italy Section Secretary, within July 15, 2017.


It is possible to download the Nomination Form here.

Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Award