Dear Members, The IEEE Italy Section together with its Chapters and WIE Affinity Group, is pleased to announce the 2022 Award on Smart and Sustainable Power and Industry thanks to the financial sponsorship of Italy Section and of one of
IEEE Italy Section 2022 Awards
Dear Members, the calls for the 2022 IEEE Italy Section Awards are available on this website: For information, visit The deadline is July 18, 2022.
IEEE Italy Section Awards 2021 winners
Congratulations to the 2021 winners of the Italy Section Awards: HONORARY AWARD 2021 – “Ground-breaking contributions and pioneering innovation in electronic design automation that have enabled the design of modern integrated circuits and their industrial implementation”: Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Winners of the RTSI 2021 competition “Best Pitch Video Competition for Startups and Entrepreneurs”
Vittorio Trifari and Stanislao Grazioso have been the winners for the best entrepreneurship idea entitled RoboSan
IEEE Italy Section Awards 2020 Ceremony
Dear Members, on October 12, 2020, the virtual ceremony for the 2020 Awards of IEEE Italy Section will be held. The program is reported below. 15:30 – 15:40 Opening session. 15:40 – 16:00 Section Awards Best Chapter
IEEE Italy Section Awards 2020 winners
Congratulations to the 2020 winners of the Italy Section Awards: HONORARY AWARD 2020 – “For outstanding and pioneering contributions to the physics of quantum confined photonic systems and their applications, ranging from bandstructure engineering and the invention of Quantum Cascade
IEEE Italy Section – ABB award 2020 “New Challenges for Energy and Industry”
Sono stati proclamati i vincitori del concorso sponsorizzato da ABB e bandito dalla Sezione Italiana della IEEE per le migliori tesi di laurea e di dottorato sulle nuove sfide tecnologiche nell’energia e nell’industria. Considerate le limitazioni causate dalla pandemia, quest’anno
Winners of the MELECON 2020 competition “Best Entrepreneurship Activity Pitch Presentation”
The winner were Piero Tuzzo for “The Internship Camp ®” and Maria Rosaria Plutino for “ArgiNaRe – ATHENA Green Solutions S.r.l.”
The second prize went to Massimo Raia for “MedsendX Italia s.r.l.”
Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Bruno Cova – 18 e 25 Maggio 2020
Nei giorni 18 e 25 maggio 2020, si svolgerà il seminario online dal titolo Key role of power systems in decarbonizing human activities: how to ensure security and reliability con relatore l’Ing. Bruno Cova del CESI, INDUSTRIAL DISTINGUISHED LECTURER 2019.
Industrial Distinguished Lecturer di Antonio Manzalini – 16 Aprile 2020
Giorno 16 aprile 2020, si svolgerà il seminario online dal titolo Future Internet: a bridge from Artificial Intelligence to Quantum Intelligence con relatore l’Ing. Antonio Manzalini di TIM, INDUSTRIAL DISTINGUISHED LECTURER 2019. Il seminario è organizzato dallo Student Branch del