Grazie al co-finanziamento di IEEE Italy Section e GRSS Chapter Committee, siamo lieti di informarvi che quest’anno il nostro Chapter GRS29-CNI potrà bandire 2 concorsi a premi per: – PREMIO GRS29-CNI 2018 per le 3 MIGLIORI TESI DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE in GEOSCIENZE E TELERILEVAMENTO
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Italy Section Chapter – 2017 PhD Thesis Award
Rules for Participants The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Italy Section Chapter recognizes distinguished work by young researchers in the field of Computational Intelligence through presentation of an Award for the best PhD Thesis defended in an Italian University in 2017.
AES Chapter Members – Prestigious Awards 2018
Just a couple of weeks ago at the IEEE RADARCONF 2018 in Oklahoma, the prestigious M. Barry Carlton Award has been won by the AES Chapter Members A. Aubry, A. De Maio, A. Farina jointly with M. Wicks with their
IEEE Smart City Initiative – Trento Smart City week 2018
Trento è stata selezionata nel 2014 da IEEE come uno delle 10 città al mondo che possono fregiarsi del titolo di modello di smart city da IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Nello specifico Trento è stata scelta come
Cerimonia di consegna dei premi per le migliori tesi di laurea in Telerilevamento discusse nel 2016 in Italia
Il 9 ottobre scorso, presso la sede di Villa Doria D’Angri dell’Università di Napoli Parthenope, si è svolta la cerimonia di consegna dei premi per le migliori tesi di laurea in Telerilevamento discusse in Italia nel 2016, banditi dall’IEEE Geoscience
2017 IEEE PES Italy Scholarship Plus Award Ceremony
During the IEEE PES Careers and Scholarship Plus in Europe seminar the winner of the 2017 IEEE PES Italy Scholarship Plus has been awarded in Turin 26th September 2017.
IEEE PES Scholarship – Region 8 – Italy – Winners Nomination
During the meeting occurred on July 7, 2017 at 13.00 in the Chamber of Commerce of Bari. The evaluation committe has examined the 8 applications received for the 1st Call for application – Italy IEEE PES Italy Scholarship Award. According to
IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Italian Chapter “Fabrizio Flacco” Young Author Best Paper Award 2017
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Italian Chapter (I-RAS) “Fabrizio Flacco” Young Author Best Paper Award 2017 (YABP) is given to an author or co-author of a recent paper published in one of the journals sponsored by the IEEE Robotics
Il Prof. Alberto Del Guerra nominato “Distinguished Lecturer” della Associazione IEEE-NPSS
Complimenti al Prof. Alberto Del Guerra nominato “Distinguished Lecturer” della Associazione IEEE-NPSS. Il suo seminario nel campo del Medical Imaging ha per titolo: “The current status and challenges of detection and imaging in particle therapy”.
Best Chapter Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize the outstanding performance of Italian Chapters in serving their members and the technical community and establishing goodwill within the Italy Section. Prize: € 500 and Certificate Eligibility: The Chapter must