Dear Members, the calls for the 2022 IEEE Italy Section Awards are available on this website: For information, visit The deadline is July 18, 2022.
Congratulations to the new IEEE Fellows 2022
Congratulations to the newly elevated Italian IEEE Fellow: Prof. Andrea Cavallini, Bologna, Italy – for contributions to the development of electrical insulation diagnostics through partial discharge measurements Prof. Alessandro Chiuso, Padova, Padua, Italy – for contributions to subspace and Bayesian
2021 Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment and Retention Performance
It’s a great pleasure and honor to announce that the Italy Section has been recognized for meeting both its recruitment and retention goals for the 2021 membership year. Below the medal received in recognition of this important achievement. Thank you
Winners of the RTSI 2021 competition “Best Pitch Video Competition for Startups and Entrepreneurs”
Vittorio Trifari and Stanislao Grazioso have been the winners for the best entrepreneurship idea entitled RoboSan
La storia della Sezione Italiana apre la collana di Note di storia curate dall’History Activity Committee
Nel 2020 l’History Activity Committee della Sezione Italiana di IEEE ha promosso una collana di Note eterogenee di argomento storico. La prima Nota, intitolata “La storia di IEEE in Italia nei primi sessant’anni” a cura di Antonio Savini, ha visto la
IEEE Milestones Program: Milestone Galileo Ferraris – January 21, 2021
The IEEE Milestones program honors significant technical achievements in all areas associated with IEEE. It is a program of the IEEE History Committee, administered through the IEEE History Center. Milestones recognize the technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of
IEEE Italy Section Humanitarian Committee and YP Meeting
Dear Members, below you find the flyer of the Italy Section Humanitarian Committee and YP Meeting scheduled on January 15, 2021. The meeting will first provide an overview of the IEEE Humanitarian Committee Activities (HAC). Then, a round table will focus on
Congratulations to the new IEEE Fellow 2021
Congratulations to the newly elevated Italian IEEE Fellow: Prof. Gianluca Antonelli, Cassino, Italy – for contributions to modeling and control of underwater robot Prof. Gabriella Cincotti, Rome, Italy – for contributions to planar photonic devices and beam diffraction in anisotropic
Special meeting IEEE SYP with Industry 10 December 2020 – live video streaming
IEEE Italy Section announces the Special meeting IEEE SYP with Industry. This special meeting is structured in three parts. In the first part IEEE and IEEE Italy Section activities for industry is presented with a special sight on IEEE SYP
The voting membership of IEEE annually elects officers that serve on the top-tier IEEE governing bodies. This year, three members of the Italy Section were elected. Congratulations to: Franco Maloberti, University of Pavia, elected as IEEE Division I Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect, 2021 Cecilia